Théo Dumont

PhD student in mathematics at LIGM (Paris).


I am a PhD student in optimal transport at the LIGM (Université Gustave Eiffel) under the supervision of François-Xavier Vialard, Théo Lacombe and Virginie Ehrlacher. Just before that, I worked with Philipp Harms (NTU Singapore) and Klas Modin (Chalmers University) on some topics related to the infinite-dimensional geometry of optimal transport.

My interests span the theory of optimal transport (OT), infinite-dimensional Riemannian geometry and machine learning, and I am passionate about the interplay between those fields. I am currently working on the geometry of several OT-related problems, such as Gromov–Wasserstein, and on the geometry of neural networks. I am always happy to discuss, so feel free to contact me!

Contact:   theo.dumont [at] univ-eiffel [dot] fr
Follow:    Google Scholar theodumont @_theodumont LinkedIn


Nov 24, 2023 :tv: I gave a talk at the MAP5 lab PhDs’ seminar about the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem (slides, paper).
Nov 24, 2023 :tv: I gave a short talk at the Oberwolfach seminar Variational and information flows in machine learning and optimal transport about the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem (slides, paper).
Nov 8, 2023 :tv: I gave a talk at the MAP5 lab about the infinite-dimensional Riemannian geometry of optimal transport, for the shape analysis seminar in Paris (slides, video).
Sep, 2023 :postal_horn: I officially started my PhD at the LIGM under the supervision of François-Xavier Vialard and Théo Lacombe! I will be studying the geometry of some optimal transport problems.
May, 2023 :postal_horn: I joined Chalmers University of Technology for a research experience in geometric hydrodynamics under the supervision of Klas Modin.

Selected publication(s)


  1. FoCM
    On the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov-Wasserstein problem
    Théo DumontThéo Lacombe, and François-Xavier Vialard
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2024