Théo Dumont

PhD student in mathematics at LIGM (Paris).


I am a PhD student in optimal transport at the LIGM (Université Gustave Eiffel) under the supervision of François-Xavier Vialard, Théo Lacombe and Virginie Ehrlacher. Just before that, I worked with Philipp Harms (NTU Singapore) and Klas Modin (Chalmers University) on some topics related to the infinite-dimensional geometry of optimal transport.

My interests span the theory of optimal transport (OT), infinite-dimensional Riemannian geometry and machine learning, and I am passionate about the interplay between those fields. I am currently working on the geometry of several OT-related problems, such as Gromov–Wasserstein, on gradient flows on the space of probability measures, and on the geometry of neural networks. I am always happy to discuss, so feel free to contact me!

Contact:   theo.dumont [at] univ-eiffel [dot] fr
Follow:    Google Scholar theodumont theodumont LinkedIn


Oct 29, 2024 :tv:  I gave a talk at the Congrès des Jeunes en Mathématiques Appliquées (CJC-MA) in Lyon, on the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem. [slides, paper]
Oct, 2024 :bookmark_tabs:  I wrote some notes on logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and related topics for a short tutorial in the New Monge problems working group at LIGM. They are available here.
Aug 7, 2024 :bar_chart:  I presented a poster at the Machine Learning in Infinite Dimensions workshop in Bath, on the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem. [poster, paper]
May 29, 2024 :bar_chart:  I presented a poster at the Geometric Sciences in Action conference in Marseille, on the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem. It won the competition! [poster, paper]
Jan 19, 2024 :tv:  I gave a talk at the MAP5 lab PhDs’ seminar about the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov–Wasserstein problem. [slides, paper]

Selected publication(s)


  1. FoCMBest poster
    On the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov-Wasserstein problem
    Théo DumontThéo Lacombe, and François-Xavier Vialard
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2024
    Best poster award at Geometric Sciences in Action, 2024.